Whole 30 Bacon Deviled Egg Salad Recipe

Whole 30 Bacon Deviled Egg Salad from bunchesolunches.comLast week I started the Whole 30. This is the second time I have done it, so I have an idea what I enjoy eating (that’s allowed) and have an arsenal of recipes to pull from (pretty much everything that The Clothes Make the Girl makes is amazing).

I’ve been making this egg salad for a few years, but decided to add the bacon bits this time and can I just say,


Oh my word is it tasty.

When I make it I don’t really measure, so I’m guessing here, but use your best judgement.

Egg Salad from bunchesolunches.com6  hard boiled eggs (I’m lazy and buy the ones that are boiled and peeled at TJ’s), chopped
1-2 heaping TBSP Mayo (you can find a recipe here)
1-2 teaspoons mustard
2-3 slices sugar free bacon, cooked and chopped
2-3 dill pickles (I bought TJ’s brand so they were little- use less if you have ginormous ones), chopped
Salt and Pepper to taste
Paprika to garnish

This recipe is so simple it’s embarrassing really (for me, not you). Chop your eggs, chop your pickles. Chop your bacon bits and cook in the skillet until crispy. Put them all together in a bowl. Mix in a little mayo at a time.

Look, I’m not a big fan of massive amounts of mayo over foods, and I have no judgment here if you are, but start slow. This is a semi rich dish anyway, and it needs just enough to coat it. Add a little mustard and then season with salt and pepper.

Word to the wise, try it before adding any salt. The sugar free bacon is bangin’, but really salty and adds a lot already.

So there is it. Ridiculously easy egg salad perfect for the Whole 30.

If you like this, check out my “Whole 30 – Rosemary Chicken Salad!” 

Whole 30 Rosemary Chicken Salad from bunchesolunches.com



4 responses to “Whole 30 Bacon Deviled Egg Salad Recipe”

  1. I would love to try this recipe! Pinned and shared on G+!
    Diana Rambles recently posted…Chinese New Year of the Sheep Craft & Free PrintableMy Profile

  2. Julie says:

    Does this keep well in the fridge for a few days? I’m assuming this is about a 4 person recipe? Thanks! Can’t wait to try it. Looks so delicious!

    • It does, though it doesn’t usually last that long at our house! LOL. Depending on how much you eat, it’s about 2-4 servings. Sorry that’s so vague! When I make it with half a dozen eggs and fill it with a cereal bowl, it’s about 2 servings. If I add it to a salad, it’s 3-4.

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